One of the best parts of camping can be cooking your food on the fire. Most people may just think of cooking hot dogs and marshmallows on the fire, but really there is so much more you can make. One of my favorite tools for camping is my pie maker. It enables me to cook food inside it while putting it in the fire. If you are trying to figure out what to make for lunch you could make a grilled cheese using the pie maker and the fire. Besides tasting like a grilled cheese, you will also have the satisfaction of having cooked it camping style! If you're not a grilled cheese person or want to spice it up a little you can make a personal pizza by adding in some pepperoni or other toppings you like.

After a busy or relaxing day of camping and fun activities you can end the night with some delicious desserts. Whether you make s'mores or want to try something different such as pies, the campfire works great! To change up your s'mores you can also always use different kinds of cookies in place of the graham crackers to make an even more unique s'more.
Making a pie on the campfire may sound more complicated, but it's not that hard. All it takes is some bread, pie filling of your choice, a pie maker for the fire, either butter or none stick spray, and of course a campfire. Depending on how hot the fire is and how crispy you want your food determines how long you should cook it. At maximum it will only take you a few minutes and the results will be tasty!
So if you're out camping this summer and want to try cooking more than marshmallows on the fire, give it a try. Cooking on the fire is both satisfying and you can create delicious foods! I find cooking on the fire and then serving right on the plate makes whatever you made taste so much better! Enjoy and check out these videos below to see what you can cook!
Demo Videos:
Pepperoni Pizza On the Campfire
Breakfast Sandwich
S'more Pie